2021 Wildlife Calendar


Terradise is putting together our 2021 Wildlife Calendar and we want to show off the beauty of both Marion and Morrow County with 13 photos from local artists!

1. All photo’s must have been taken inside a public greenspace within the last year. Landscape and micro-shots are will be accepted. Photo’s must be high-resolution, watermarks encouraged.

2. Artists are allowed three entries, must be turned in by 12/1/2020. Submissions must be through email to [email protected] and must include… Artist’s name, location and title of photo .

3. We will utilize photos as received in the template provided in this post. Please keep your edits minimal.

Example Calendar Image.

Photos will be chosen by a committee of local naturalists and fellow artists. Announcements will be made on 12/1/2020.

All proceeds from our 2021 Wildlife Calendar sales will be used to purchase lumber and hardware for our March “Feet on the Ground; Hands-on Conservation” Project, Wood Duck Box Building.