Join us this Saturday, February 9th, 2019, 9-11am for the first in our Terradise Program Series: Woody Plants in Winter, presented by guest Robert Klips. The program will take place at the Terradise Nature Center, 1536 Whetstone River Rd N, Caledonia, Ohio 43314
The leaves may have fallen off the trees, but our interest in botany isn’t dormant during the winter. Woody plants –trees, shrubs and vines – are easy to identify once you look closely. We will focus on details of twigs to see how the arrangement and shapes of buds, leaf scars and bundle scars, plus surface features such as thorns, spines and prickles enable us to name the woody plants of Terradise even when the leaves are missing. The program will start indoors with a dozen selected sample species, using hand lenses and a dichotomous twig key to learn the technical skills of winter botany. Afterwards, we will hike outdoors and put the skills to use.
Robert Klips is an Associate Professor Emeritus at The Ohio State University who taught biology at the Marion Campus for 21 years. He is a botanist specializing in cataloging the vegetation of Ohio, with an emphasis on mosses and lichens.